Veggie Stir Fry with Beef in Satay Sauce
Stir fry is one of the easiest dishes because you don't really need a recipe, you just sautee (stir fry) anything you want, however there is an art to it. Not all veggies cook at the same interval, so you need to know which veggies are going to quick cookly vs those that cook slowly.
I always start off with hot oil, a little butter, onions or shallots and garlic then add the slower cooking veggies first, and as they reach a certain cooking stage I add the faster cooking veggies in.
Once veggies are done, take out of hot wok and place in a bowl to keep warm (do not cook veggies to a soft state, make sure they still have a little crunch).
If you are going to add protien to your stir fry, begin cooking in the hot wok, also using oil, onions/peppers/garlic and stir fry until completely cooked. Once the protein is finished cooking, take out and place in a bowl or platter.
Now it's time for your sauce!
I use hoison, soy, ginger, honey, sirrachi (thickened with cornstarch) place in wok and heat until it thickens, then add the protein and veggies and stir fry all together until done.
I serve with steamed rice, so so good!
Bon Appetit!