Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Poem by Evana Vleck

working on a poem. I thought about the phrase "Life goes on" and to me it's not really true, only to some degree. For me life is breathing and existence, and death is a part of life. Death goes on moreso than life, and with death, memories are the strongest.

Life Goes On in memory of Javier Pena RIP 1/21/76 - 7/27/2010

You know the phrase, “Life goes on”
Well…it does.

But it mainly pauses.

It comes to a standstill as you may have experienced…
It comes to a halt, as you might have noticed.
Life takes a hiatus at times: seldom when solemn, rarely when lethargic,
but often, when tragedy plagues.

As life gaps, our consciousness proceeds to a voyage into the past.
The tour is muted and vague, but the destination vivid, like the Valley Sun shining on Christmas day

Life sits in limbo as our mind journeys as we choose only the memories we desire to evoke
We take a road trip,
A road trip of the mind…
Those are the best kind. A memory that turns into thousands of entangled roads
Intersecting at: “that one time”
Making a U-turn at “our first kiss” or getting lost at “secrets we both shared in pure bliss”.

We mentally expedite to revive laughter, to resuscitate happiness because those are the things that we chose to remember about you.

My mind can see you, even though my fingers can no longer touch you
My mind can hear you, even though you are no longer here.
You made your impression, and it has seemed to exceed you! Your impression is valued above many things tangible and solid. Your impression is eternal more so than material; it’s influential and it soars with the South Texas sun, it burns –burns- burns and brands itself within us all.

Never-ending smile

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