So yes, it is true that I have stopped drinking coffee and have changed my morning attention to green tea. Well, not just my morning drink, but also afternoon, and what have you as this beverage that I'm currently drinking is replacing another to which I consumed on a regular basis throughout the day and evening. I'm thinking of writing an article on the subject, covering various green teas as far as flavor, and effects, this of course might be tricky (effects) as I'd have to stick to drinking one, the same time each day for at least a week, then move on to another a different week and so on until I have at least 3-4 different teas to compare.
I feel that my mornings have been semi-productive as I will get up and stretch and just feel a little more awake then usual. My attention really hasn't been on myself lately, and I feel that I owe myself at least some full deep breaths, a muscle stretch and a little breakfast, maybe some branola bread with natural peanut butter or some bran cereal with milk if I'm up for it. It's hard for me to consume breakfast, my body and mind don't officially awake until about 10 am, so if you are talking to me anytime before that, I am not quite myself, and I say this with all honesty. I do transform into a different person at 10am, if all is well and usual.
Last night I had a dream, and well, it was interesting to say the very least. I felt as if I was hovering over my own body, and could read my own mind (even though I am me), anyway that's how the dream felt. I felt I was another peson looking down on myself and reading that person's (my) mind. Not only that, but I also saw a woman who was trying to hold onto my hand, and at first I shyed away, but after a while I let her caress my hand, and I felt so comfortable and soothed. I really felt like an infant being loved, truly loved.
As an adult I'm not sure if I've ever felt truly loved, sheltered and completely safe. Sometimes I feel nervous, and well, even though I do know I am loved I don't quite feel that infant love...the sort of love that feels pure and soft. You would never harm an infant, or yell, or slam a door with an infant (oh my I realize that some people would and that is a terrible thing), but I am speaking of the norm. This infant love should be practiced, and I myself should begin to source out infant love (instead of the usual adult "i love you" type of love)to those people who mean so much to me because I want them to feel pure and soft. You know it is true, you don't tell people you love them, you show them.
Yesterday, I got home to a huge mess on my living room, and tv room floor. Yes, both rooms were a mess, and covered in chewed up foam. Of course, Odie - our dog went a little cukoo. You know, I can't blame the animal because he is home all alone all day from 8am-5pm and I suppose he got cabin fever. Well, you know if I were home during those hours, I wouldn't neccesarily want to make a mess, but he's an animal and maybe doesn't see it that way. I felt bad for him, but I still punished him. I'm not the dog whisperer, and I do my best to make Odie a healthy pup, but when a dog does something like that, it's for a reason. He wants our attention - he's angry that noone is around to play with him. Poor pup, he went from summer fun, surrounded by people to a bland, boring, and lifeless day stuck inside. Here's the thing, you might ask why I don't put him outside, well here is why: he only enjoys the outdoors when he's with someone else. He will sit on the porch and sulk if he's outside alone, and it's quite strange. Not only that, but lately we have had a horrible time in the valley with swarms of mosquitos taking over our yards, plus the heat can be unbearable. Yuck.
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