Ok, so I'm super excited about having a blog outside "myspace" and couldn't resist to sign on yet again, and even though I haven't told a single soul about this blog YET (as of now), I have received "many" hits. Wow, sorta weird, but it makes me even more excited to keep writing random stuff for complete strangers to stumble upon and read.
Here's the thing:
I LOVE sandwiches. Really, I do. I think they are beautiful and delicious. Sandwiches can be delicate or really you know, huge. I'm taken back by the sandwich, and think I know a good one when I try one. Listen, not just anyone can make a sandwich, I'm sure you know this. And I'm sure you also know that your turkey, provolone sandwich on white will taste completely differently from your best friend's mom's turkey, provolone sandwich on white. Not everyone uses the same sandwich meat, bread or spreads. Even the different lettuces, and the way someone slices a tomato. Oh, it's so strange how I loved my neighbors ham and lettuce sandwiches with mustard, but at home I'd not be as into it. Of course, my neighbor used the fake dorritos and I used the real nacho cheese dorritos to smash into my sandwich, but I'm sure it was more then just that.
Last night I ate an egg salad sandwich with a hot cup of tea and I felt so fancy, and free. I know that sounds weird, and it might hurt your brain to imagine myself eating an egg sandwich and feeling free, but it's true. Something about the whiteness of the eggwhites in contrast to the whole wheat toast made me feel womanly and sophisticated.
Here is another thought for you:
The Coen's are my favorite movie directors, and although I didn't note them as being, I did mention Barton Fink as one of my favorite movies. Here's the thing, however, I enjoy all of their films totally and completely. I also have the biggest crush ever on their movies, and the way they make me feel decietful, loving, secretive, romantic, and a little quirky.
Good Night.
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