She says I look sexy like this, you know with messy hair and all. The fucking humidity has been murderous on my hair, but actually bringing out my natural curl and wave, so if you run into me, I might look a bit different because of it.
It’s not that I try to hide my curl, it’s just that its an uneven curl. Some parts of my hair will remain straight, other parts wavy or curly…all depending upon the weather and that isn’t a good thing, because we have hot weather here where I live, and it’s so hard to get your hair to look and act decent in these awful weather conditions. Well, she says I look sexy, and that makes me feel better about the situation, and needless to say I shouldn’t worry too much about it.
She’s attracted to me. She is, and I’m not to her. Not in the least, I don’t care how sultry her lips are when she says my name, and I pay no attention to her perfectly painted nails – black nail polish is like a godsend to me, really. I love it – no matter who or what, I just find it so sensual. Anyway, her nails don’t matter to me, or the way she tosses her hair in that flirty little way when I walk up to the counter.
“Good morning” says Darcy
“Good morning to you” I said
“Let me guess…large decaf, medium chai with skim, green tea (unsweet), and a cranberry muffin?” asks Darcy
“You are good – that’s exactly what I want, except we have a meeting this morning, and I am ordering 3 large regulars with cream and sweet & low” I utter.
“Ok, that will be $14.90 please” said Darcy
I dig into my big blue purse to find the company card and Darcy interupts by saying:
“Hey, listen, your green is on me, hon” motions Darcy while winking “Thanks” I reciprocate, as I hand her the card.
So she winks at me, and turns around and starts preparing the beverages.
“So, I was gonna say, you know…when you walked in that you looked different to me. Totally sexy.” She says.
“oh, really?” I ask.
“Well….your hair, it’s so messy and hot; I love how you look” she said.
“oh, yea…it’s the humidity. I hate the humidity. Not only am I having bad hair days, but the rain won’t stop and it’s messing up my, my…mojo.”
“Wow, you have a mojo?” she asked.
I sort of smile through the corner of my mouth, and bite down on the edge of my lower lip.
“I don’t know, but yes…yes, I think I have a mojo and it had been fine just right up until it started raining.” I said
“Bummer – listen, for what it’s worth…the humidity is treating you well, and as far as your mojo goes, I think I can arrange something to bring it back to life”
At that moment, I felt a little uneven and uncomfortable. I like Darcy a lot but I don’t know if she knows that I have a boy friend so I just play it off.
“Why are you so quiet; hey do you want a cup holder…let me go and find one in the back kitchen” she said
When she comes back from the kitchen, she places my beverages in a large cup holder, and hands me a piece of paper with her phone number on it and also reads “when your mojo is down…call”.
“Bye, thanks for the green tea, I really appreciate it. I guess I’ll see you again in the morning” I said.
CharlesWhen I get to the office, my boss is waiting for me in the conference room – I go and place the coffees down and hand him his muffin. “Nice muffin” he chuckles.
“Yea, Darcy seems to think so too” I laugh.
“Oh really, that cute little girl from the coffee shop is still eying you?” he asks
“Yea, she actually gave me her number today –she wants to bring my mojo up to a considerable level” I say.
“Hmmm, sounds hot” laughs my boss.
“Yea well, love is blind…right?
My boss is a pretty cool guy, I actually know him very well; his name is Charles. He’s around my age, and dated one of my best friends, and Charles is also very close to my boyfriend, J – they went to college together, and were roommates for several years. We are practically family; not really, but we are pretty close. Charles asks how J’s interview is going.
“I don’t know, he hasn’t called me, and well, we haven’t been spending as much time together as we used to. I think he’s very involved with work, and wants to focus on that. I don’t know what will happen to us, but I guess time will tell.”
“That’s too bad, I’ll give J a call later said Charles.
I walk out and close the conference door behind me, and walk over to my desk and read my messages. My heart begins racing a little. Hmm, I pick up the phone to page our secretary.
”Hey Janet… Darcy, called me? Is this the same Darcy from Drips?” I asked.
“Yes, she said that you left the credit card there and to please come by and pick it up, if she’s not there, she will place it in an envelope for you” said Janet.
(sigh) uh, I hate running around town and wasting gas when I don’t have to.
Damn, I’ll just go pick up the card during my lunch break.
As I sit at my desk I rummage through my purse, and sure enough the credit card is missing. As I place my purse down, Darcy’s telephone number falls out, and floats like a weightless feather on to my lap. I grab the number and save it into my phone.
Lunch TimeIt’s lunch time and during my lunch break, I typically sit here at my computer and eat a sandwich, I thought maybe this city would have a cool place to go eat a cheap sandwich, then sit and write while looking at nothing in particular, but most of the cool little joints are actually packed during lunch, which is great for business, but horrible for someone who’s looking for quiet.
I thought about saving the credit card for tomorrow morning, since I will be swinging by anyway, but Charles needs it for his afternoon meeting today, so I grab my purse and head out to Drips.
I’m starving so I decide to order a Greek veggie wrap to go, but there’s such a long line, however see no point in eating somewhere else during lunch hour so I stand in line. Darcy is behind the counter, and she’s very busy taking orders and helping out on the food line, but manages to see me and motions me to come to the counter.
I don’t think she realizes I want to order some food, so I stay in line, she sees me again, and motions me with her eyes to come back where she is, so I do.
A few people give me the look, but oh well, I happen to know the sandwich girl. As I approach her, she wipes her hands on her apron, and hands me the credit card.
“Thanks, but listen, I wanted to order a Greek veggie wrap to go, will you make it for me?” I asked.
She looks at me and says “sure babe, I’ll get you a wrap, have a seat and give me a minute; I’ll bring it out to you”.
As I walk to a table to have a seat, I watch Darcy. She looks pretty while she’s working fast like that. I’ve never seen her that busy, and she looks so serious, but fun serious. She’s chatting with the customers and working away on building delicious sandwiches with her lovely black-painted finger nails, and her green eyes fluttering all the while…
I can never do something like that and look that cute I thought.
Darcy walks up to my seat, and asks if she could sit with me. The line is slowing down, and she’s taking a break with a cup of ice water and hands me my wrap. “Made with love” she said.
“I’m sure it is, thanks so much, you know I think I’ll eat it here instead of sitting in traffic” I mentioned.
As I unwrap my food, I realize that Darcy might not be flirting with me at all, since my mojo is off, I could be mistaking her charm for sensuality. Hmmm, I feel bad for thinking that way.
I look up at Darcy as I take a bite of my wrap, and she asks “so is it as good as it looks?” “yea, it’s so fresh and just good, you know?” “Well what about me…do you think I’m as good as I look?” she asked.
Just then, I felt a weird tightening in my chest, and my heart began to race. I don’t know why this girl makes me feel so nervous, but she does. Maybe it’s the way she’s so forward…I don’t know, I’m used to people talking shit, and not really saying what’s on their mind.
“Kaila, I think I’m into you…are you into me?” asked Darcy.
I was quiet, and continued chewing until I swallowed my bite of food. I politely asked for some water, and she handed me her cup and straw. Ordinarily, that would completely turn me off and disgust me; however for some reason her straw seemed innocent enough to drink through, so I took a sip and smiled then said:
“I don’t know if you know this, but I’m seeing someone, and he’s out of town for the week, getting an interview, but you know…we are sorta committed to each other” I say.
“Sorta?” she asks “Yes” I answer.
Well, “sorta means that you are not completely committed, and if something better came along you’d think about it for a while, plus you didn’t answer my question. I asked if you were into me”
“My heart begins to slow down to a normal pace and as I try to stop my hand from shaking I answer “I don’t know”.
Darcy gets up from her chair, looks directly at me and says “I think you do know, but are afraid to say it”
She turns around and walks back to the counter. I feel like an idiot, and a little confused too, but what can I do. Just then, my phone beeps, it’s a text from J “Hey, I got a job offer, and they want me to move up here.”
I respond “wow, that’s great; congratulations. Call me when you get back, we need to talk.”
I put my sunglasses on, and walk up to the counter to pay where Darcy is busy cleaning up the counters and putting food away. She tells me not to worry about it, and that my wrap is on the house.
“Hey Darcy, you know what…maybe you can come over tonight so we can paint each other’s nails; I have the perfect shade of black that I think you'll like.”